I hate reading, i hate blogging ( i have to spend my times writing which i dont even know why people love it ), i hate watching national geographic and i definately hate to excersise , but i do read a little, well most likely fashion or entertainment magazine..flip page to page looking at the picture or find out who's dumping who's in entertainment world, you know, the latest goss.My main activities shopping and shopping and more shoping. Do you know that shopping is actually can help you to release your stress.Why would i go watching theater when i can go watch teen flick movie like American Pie or Not Another Teen Movie.
But then i started to change , maybe due to the hormones in my body or i just get mature.I see around me people that i know die one by one, and recently the ever-famous Yasmin Ahmad, which i really admire her work in movie and TV ads... she truly are the modern thinkers, and how i can only wish to be at par with her level thinking, she will truly be remembered for the rest of my life.It really hit me since , that we human eventually will die and anyone can die at any age or at any case, especially with the high death cases of H1N1 virus in Malaysia.I started to find my goal in life....do i want to die just like that or actualy do something to change the world but what can i do , im not multi-millionaire whom can donate tons of cash to needy or even a Prime Minister or a rock star that can influence young generation .Im just me ..what can i do.
I believe to change the world is to start by one act of kindness and to start change ourselves to be a better person and there is always room to improve myself.Lucky me .....I realize all this before i die and there are still times for me to change.I cant be Oprah overnight but i am changing to a better me.
I was lucky i was choosen for DPLI programme in UPSI , Tanjung Malim.The" Dpli" stands for Diploma Lanjutan Lepasan Ijazah,it means im going to be a teacher but i still need to undergo some training and classes for a year.Of course, most of my friends find this a joke., the fact that im teaching youngster in morale which i obviously lack of.( for the record im not Juvenile Delinquent), maybe for the fact im like the male version of Lindsay Lohan except the part she rich and im not, but i do have friends that have faith in me and guess what..im starting my own blog( which i find hard at first), i started to read educational books, it really hard to start reading which i never done before.. so my friend lend me Harry Potter - Half Blood Prince and i manage to finished it in a month with the help from Mr Dictionary of coz due to the vocabs is so rich and confusing for me, from there i started to enjoy reading, and my latest reading is the collection from Donald Trump.
Being the new me i started to feel differ, i love smiling at random people and when people smile back at me, it make me happy, i even started making a lot of new friend, the one that are real and really cares about me.I started to see the world in new perception, the sky aren't always blue,there are times we're on top or we're at the bottom, but it really are about the climb ( taking from Miley Cyrus number "The Climb"-
Its always gonna be another mountain, i'm always gonna wanna make it move, always gonna be uphill battle, sometimes i gotta have to lose, its not about how fast i get there , its about the climb.
Im loving the new and improved me, i love my body, i love my soul and i love my spirit.There will always gonna be people gonna say that you are not good enough, well they can kiss my fat ass.I know now what is beauty beyond the psychical attraction.Beauty defines confident, charming personalities and beauty is in me.Well u guys are pretty too.Let us all pray for world peace.