Refering to info i dig from www.spca.org.my
Globally, there are some 600 million dogs, and a similar number of cats, of which an estimated 80% are stray or unwanted. The illegal and often inhumane trade in wildlife and wildlife parts is a soaring black market worth $10 billion a year, exceeded only by arms and drug smuggling. Millions of wild animals are killed, captured or traded inhumanely in this shady business.
I just don't get it , we are human being, the higher life-form on earth but why there are still people cruel enough to abuse this animals. I tend to get really upset when i read on articles or watch tv on this issues.
I have 6 cats at home, to me they are lights of my life..do you know if you spend times petting your cats it can actually help you to distress. If i continue to talk about the cruelty agains animal then i can actualy make it a book.
Many people thought that muslim cannot keep dog in their house, well you are wrong.They are muslim people keep dogs to protect their home, i would like to recap the scene in GUBRA movie where the Pak Imam touch the dog on its shoulder( its the only place where the dogs did not lick themselves).We can keep dogs but we need to ensure the clean environment.After all,dog is one of Gods creation.
Let all loves animals and keep an eye for abused or neglected animals. pet and homeless animal alikes.Call SPCA inspector so they can attempt to help the animals.
Ur so kind...ur rite,we should save the animals...